

"May what I do flow from me like a river, 
no forcing and no holding back."

- Rainer Maria Rilke



Expressive Arts

Workshop for self care and connection
The process of art making and the engagement with the imagination offers a creative resource we all have inside to explore oneself. We bring the focus to the present moment, not only through the creative mind but also through embodiment, in other words the active participation of the body (the hand that paints, the eyes that look, the body sensations triggered by images, movements, dances, and sounds).

In the safety of the group, we create a space to build new ways for interpersonal connection, by allowing the spirit of play to emerge experiencing more aliveness and joy.

This workshop can be tailored for specific groups, intentions, themes, purposes and are trauma-informed.

No art experience is necessary. Arts supplies and props provided.


  • Reconnect creatively with your expressive self and with others

  • Explore the intuitive art process in a safe compassionate space

  • Find the "felt" understanding of your emotions in visual, kinetic and poetic form

  • Feel less fragmented and more integrated

  • Experience your imagination as a resource for expressing personal needs

  • Find the joy and beauty of art making in community

Duration: between 1.5 to 6 hours, also for retreats or 2 days format.

Expressive Dance

Dancing Dialogues — Expressive Dance
This workshop is about letting the dialogue begin by befriending our body, giving our soul space to speak. Through movement and dance, we will explore the internal rhythm we all have and the beauty of our inner dance. As a community, we gather in a safe trauma informed and compassionate space, to welcome our creative self with no judgment.


  • Reconnect creatively with your expressive body

  • Work with the connection between your somatic experience and your imagination

  • Feel less fragmented and more integrated

  • Experience your body as a resource for expressing personal needs

  • Find the joy and beauty of your own dance

Dancing dialogues: Expressive Dance can be specifically tailored for different clients, women and men's, only women's groups, for students, for seniors , and for people with conditions that affect mobility.

Duration: 1.5 to 3h

Body Inquiry

This workshop brings together intellectual and rational processes of inquiry integrating bodily experiences, sensations, and emotions as trusted ways of knowing. It emphasizes the fertile interplay between the mind and the body. When engaging in embodied reflection, the brain not only activates regions responsible for cognitive processing but also areas linked to bodily sensations and emotional experiences. Stimulating the brain in distinct ways that compare to intellectual, rational reflection and/or inquiry. By engaging in these different modes of reflection, participants can tap into their embodied experiences and unlock their creative potential, resulting in deeper insights and gaining unique perspectives.


  • Recognize and identify bodily sensations as a valuable source of information and insight

  • Explore divergent thinking strategies to generate a wide range of ideas

  • Cultivate the ability to make unconventional connections between seemingly unrelated concepts

  • Develop a deeper understanding of personal values, beliefs, and aspirations through creative exploration

  • Foster interdisciplinary thinking and integration of knowledge

  • Promote the integration of embodied experiences, emotions, and creativity into intellectual inquiry

  • Enhance no violent communication, empathy and collaboration skills

By achieving these learning outcomes, participants will develop a deeper understanding of themselves, cultivate creative thinking abilities, and integrate embodied and creative reflection into their personal and professional lives.

Duration: it may vary from 2-3 hours for single workshops, to a series of three to four scaffolded workshops designed for specific professional groups or populations.